A casino, also known as a gaming house or gambling hall, is an establishment for certain types of gambling. Its profits come from the gamblers who play games of chance, such as poker, blackjack, roulette and baccarat. Many casinos feature elaborate themes and entertainment, including musical shows and lighted fountains. Casinos are also found on some American Indian reservations, which are exempt from state antigambling laws.
While casinos often attract a crowd for their lavish entertainment and themed structures, they would not exist without games of chance. Slot machines, baccarat, keno and other popular games provide the billions of dollars in profits that casinos bring in every year. These figures make casinos the world’s most profitable entertainment establishments.
Casino security starts at the gaming tables, where casino employees watch the patrons and their actions to catch any signs of cheating or fraud. Dealers have the most vantage point, and can easily spot blatant palming or marking of cards or dice. Table managers and pit bosses have a more broader view of the tables, watching for betting patterns that may signal cheating.
Most state laws require casinos to display a warning sign, and to list contact information for responsible gambling organizations that can offer specialized help. Typically, these resources can help people who have a problem with gambling before the issue escalates into more serious problems such as financial distress or loss of personal relationships. Some states also include statutory funding for responsible gambling as part of the requirements for casino licensing.